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BSI's CEO leads session at Self Insurance Institute of America National Conference
BSI's CEO Lawrence Thompson moderated a packed session at the SIIA national Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on October 9, 2017. The session was focused on Level Funding as a tool in the health insurance industry. About 300 industry professionals attended. Mr. Thompson led a panel of four industry and Stop Loss Insurance experts in a lively discussion.
Republicans try to find a way to continue ACA payments
Washington (CNN)Two top congressional Republicans unveiled a plan Tuesday that would fund key Obamacare payments, but would strike, for at least a few years, central components of the Affordable Care Act.
The GOP-only framework announced Tuesday skews much closer to what the White House has asked for in a proposal, but faces a major stumbling block. The Republican plan would fund CSR payments through 2019, but would also scrap the individual mandate that requires nearly all Americans have health insurance as well as the employer mandate that employers provide it
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